How to Find the API of ChatGPT for Free

A complete article about ChatGPT API use. How to speed up your business with ChatGPT.


9/7/20236 min read

a green square with a white knot on it-ChatGPT Logo
a green square with a white knot on it-ChatGPT Logo

In the world of technology and artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful tool for natural language processing. Whether you're a developer looking to integrate ChatGPT into your applications or simply curious about how it works, you might be wondering how to access its API for free. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of finding the API of ChatGPT without breaking the bank.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Importance of ChatGPT API

  2. Exploring OpenAI's ChatGPT

  3. The Free Tier: What You Need to Know

  4. Setting Up Your OpenAI Account

  5. Creating Your First ChatGPT Application

  6. Making API Requests

  7. API Rate Limits

  8. Tips for Optimizing Your Usage

  9. Alternatives to the Free Tier

  10. ChatGPT API FAQs

  • What is the ChatGPT API?

  • Can I use the ChatGPT API for commercial purposes on the free tier?

  • How do I upgrade to a paid plan?

  • Is there a limit to the number of API requests I can make?

  • Are there any security concerns when using the ChatGPT API?

1. Understanding the Importance of ChatGPT API

Before we dive into the process of finding the ChatGPT API for free, let's understand why it's such a valuable resource. The ChatGPT API allows developers to integrate the power of ChatGPT into their applications, enabling them to have natural and interactive conversations with users. This can be used for chatbots, virtual assistants, content generation, and more.

a white chatbot robot with blue eyes and a laptop
a white chatbot robot with blue eyes and a laptop
silver MacBook showing application for content generation
silver MacBook showing application for content generation

2. Exploring OpenAI's ChatGPT

OpenAI's ChatGPT is a language model that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It has been fine-tuned to provide useful and context-aware responses, making it a versatile tool for various applications.

3. The Free Tier: What You Need to Know

OpenAI offers a free tier for developers who want to explore and experiment with the ChatGPT API without incurring costs. However, it's essential to understand the limitations of the free tier, including rate limits and usage restrictions.

4. Setting Up Your OpenAI Account

To access the ChatGPT API, you'll need to create an account on the OpenAI platform. Visit the OpenAI website and follow the registration process. Once you've created your account, you'll be able to access the API.

Follow these steps to get started:

  • Visit the OpenAI Website: Open your web browser and navigate to the official OpenAI website (

  • Sign Up: Look for the "Sign Up" or "Get Started" button on the homepage. Click on it to begin the registration process.

  • Provide Your Information: You'll be prompted to provide some essential information to create your account. This typically includes your name, email address, and a secure password. Make sure to use a valid email address as OpenAI will send you important account-related notifications.

  • Verify Your Email: After submitting your registration details, OpenAI will send a verification email to the address you provided. Check your inbox (and possibly your spam folder) for this email and click on the verification link within to confirm your email address.

  • Log In: Once your email is verified, return to the OpenAI website and log in using the credentials you just created.

  • Navigate to the Dashboard: After successfully logging in, you should be directed to your OpenAI dashboard. If not, find and click on the dashboard or account settings link within the website's navigation menu.

  • Explore the Dashboard: Within your dashboard, you'll find various options and settings related to your OpenAI account. Take some time to explore the available features, but our focus here is on accessing the ChatGPT API.

  • Access the API Section: In your dashboard, you should see an option or section specifically related to the ChatGPT API. It might be labeled as "API Access," "Developers," or something similar.

  • Generate API Credentials: Within the API section, you'll have the option to generate API credentials. These credentials will include an API key or token that you'll use to make requests to the ChatGPT API.

  • Secure Your API Credentials: Be extremely cautious with your API credentials. Treat them like sensitive information, as they provide access to the ChatGPT API. Keep your API key or token in a secure location and never share it publicly.

Congratulations! You've now successfully set up your OpenAI account and obtained the API credentials necessary to interact with the ChatGPT API. You're ready to move forward with creating your first ChatGPT application and making API requests.

Still confused. View this image:

Screen shot of ChatGPT API key location.
Screen shot of ChatGPT API key location.

Remember to consult OpenAI's documentation and guides for further details on how to use the API effectively and efficiently for your specific project needs.

5. Creating Your First ChatGPT Application

After setting up your OpenAI account, it's time to create your first ChatGPT application. OpenAI provides comprehensive documentation and guides to help you get started quickly.

6. Making API Requests

To interact with ChatGPT through the API, you'll need to make HTTP requests. These requests will include the text you want to process, and in return, you'll receive responses generated by ChatGPT.

7. API Rate Limits

While the free tier is a great way to get started, it's important to be aware of the rate limits imposed on API requests. These limits can affect the number of interactions you can have with ChatGPT within a given timeframe.

8. Tips for Optimizing Your Usage

To make the most of the free tier and ensure efficient usage of the ChatGPT API, consider optimizing your requests and managing your resources effectively. OpenAI provides tips and best practices to help you achieve this.

9. Alternatives to the Free Tier

If you find that the free tier doesn't meet your needs or you require more extensive usage, OpenAI offers paid plans with higher limits and additional features. Explore the pricing options to determine the best fit for your project.

10. ChatGPT API FAQs

What is the ChatGPT API?

The ChatGPT API allows developers to integrate ChatGPT into their applications, enabling natural language understanding and generation.

Can I use the ChatGPT API for commercial purposes on the free tier?

The free tier is primarily for experimentation and may not be suitable for commercial use. Consider upgrading to a paid plan for commercial applications.

How do I upgrade to a paid plan?

You can upgrade your OpenAI account to a paid plan by visiting the OpenAI platform and selecting the plan that best suits your needs.

Is there a limit to the number of API requests I can make?

Yes, the free tier has rate limits for API requests. Be sure to review the documentation for specific details on these limits.

Are there any security concerns when using the ChatGPT API?

OpenAI takes security seriously and has implemented measures to protect user data and privacy. Be sure to follow best practices for secure API integration.

Here's how you can obtain the endpoint URL:

  1. Log in to your OpenAI Account: First, ensure that you are logged in to your OpenAI account. You'll need access to your account dashboard to find the ChatGPT API endpoint URL.

  2. Navigate to the API Section: In your OpenAI dashboard, look for the section related to the ChatGPT API. This section is where you'll find information about your API usage and configuration.

  3. Create or Select Your ChatGPT Application: Depending on your OpenAI plan and usage, you may need to create a ChatGPT application or select an existing one. Follow the prompts or options provided in this section.

  4. Locate API Endpoint Information: Within the ChatGPT application settings or configuration, you should find details about the API endpoint URL. This URL is essential for making API requests to ChatGPT.

  5. Copy the API Endpoint URL: Once you've located the API endpoint URL, it's usually displayed prominently on the screen. To ensure accuracy, click on the "Copy" or "Copy to Clipboard" button if available. If not, you can manually select and copy the URL.

  6. Securely Store the API Endpoint URL: Just like your API credentials, the API endpoint URL is sensitive information. Make sure to store it in a secure and easily accessible location. You'll need this URL to make requests to ChatGPT from your applications.

Remember that the API endpoint URL is unique to your ChatGPT application and OpenAI account. It's used to specify the target server for your API requests. If you ever suspect that your endpoint URL has been compromised or need to regenerate it for security reasons, you can typically do so within your OpenAI dashboard.

With the API endpoint URL in hand, you can start integrating ChatGPT into your applications and send requests to interact with this powerful natural language processing tool. Be sure to refer to OpenAI's documentation for further details on how to structure and send API requests effectively.


Accessing the ChatGPT API for free is an excellent way to explore its capabilities and integrate it into your projects. By following the steps outlined in this article and being mindful of the rate limits, you can harness the power of ChatGPT to enhance your applications and provide natural and engaging interactions with users.

For more information and to get started, visit the OpenAI platform and begin your journey with ChatGPT.


  1. Is the ChatGPT API available for free?

    • Yes, OpenAI offers a free tier for developers to experiment with the ChatGPT API.

  2. Can I use the ChatGPT API in my mobile app?

    • Absolutely! You can integrate the ChatGPT API into mobile apps for a wide range of applications.

  3. What programming languages are supported for API integration?

    • OpenAI provides client libraries and SDKs for popular programming languages, making it easy to integrate the API into your preferred environment.

  4. Is ChatGPT suitable for content generation?

    • Yes, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for content generation, including blog posts, articles, and more.

  5. Where can I find more resources and documentation for the ChatGPT API?

    • You can find comprehensive documentation and guides on the OpenAI platform to help you get started with the ChatGPT API.