Generating Relevant Keywords: A Digital Marketing Consultant's Guide

In this fast-paced landscape, keywords are the cornerstone of successful online marketing strategies.


10/3/20235 min read

Digital marketing is a dynamic field, constantly evolving and adapting to the latest trends and consumer behaviors. In this fast-paced landscape, keywords are the cornerstone of successful online marketing strategies. Whether you are optimizing a website or creating a blog post, knowing how to generate a list of relevant keywords is essential for boosting your online visibility and attracting your target audience. In this post I will give the reference keyword strategy of my website that made it to succeed in the field of education.

Generating Relevant Keywords: A Digital Marketing Consultant's Guide
Generating Relevant Keywords: A Digital Marketing Consultant's Guide

The Significance of Keywords in Digital Marketing

Keywords act as the bridge between your content and your audience. They are the terms or phrases that people type into search engines to find the information they seek. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords into your content, you can increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and, subsequently, driving organic traffic to your website.

The Challenge: Finding Relevant Keywords

The digital marketing world is inundated with content, and the competition for high-ranking keywords is fierce. This makes finding the right keywords a critical and often challenging task. To effectively stand out in the digital crowd, you need to go beyond basic keywords and uncover those that resonate with your audience and have low competition. Here's how to do it.

Types of Keywords

Before delving into the process of keyword research, it's essential to understand the different types of keywords:

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords, often referred to as "head" keywords, are typically one to three words long. They are broad and general, making them highly competitive.

Here are five examples of short-tail keywords related to "Web Tool Business":

  1. Web Tools

  2. Online Business Tools

  3. Web Tool Services

  4. Business Software

  5. Website Toolkits

Long-Tail Keywords: Uncovering Specifics

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and consist of three or more words. While they may have lower search volume, they are less competitive and tend to attract a more targeted audience.

Here are five long-tail keywords derived from the above short-tail keywords related to "Web Tool Business":

  1. "Best Web Tools for E-commerce Business"

  2. "Free Online Business Tools for Small Companies"

  3. "Top Web Tool Services for Website Optimization"

  4. "Business Software Solutions for Marketing"

  5. "Comprehensive Website Toolkits for SEO Optimization"

Keyword Research Tools

Now that you understand the types of keywords, it's time to explore the tools that can aid you in finding the most relevant ones. If you are a YouTuber then use my "Title Generator Tool ;which is completely FREE. Use and see the result of your youtube keyword magic.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows you to discover keyword ideas, their search volumes, and competition levels. It's a great starting point for your research.

SEMrush: A Comprehensive Solution

SEMrush is a powerful tool that offers in-depth keyword research and competitive analysis. It provides valuable insights into your competitors' strategies. It is payable after a few Free limitations. Alternatively I will suggest to use the Search Console of Google; which is completely Free. Just you have to spend one hour to understand its keyword filtering tricks.

Moz Keyword Explorer: User-Friendly Interface

Moz's Keyword Explorer offers an intuitive interface and a wealth of keyword data. It also provides valuable metrics to assess the potential of your chosen keywords.

Ubersuggest: Free and Powerful

Ubersuggest is a free tool with certain limitations (3 searches per day per account) that helps you identify keywords with low competition and high search volumes. It's an excellent choice for those on a low budget. I am citing these sites only to get experience in SEO. Ultimately you have to conclude your working keywords from the report of the search console or Google Analytics.

I also suggest which is providing Free keyword searches right now. Use it and give me your feedback so that I can give more suggestions about keyword strategy.

Sorting and Categorizing Keywords

Once you've collected a list of potential keywords, it's crucial to organize them for effective use in your content.

For example there is my another website in which I found from the search console after one year that these keywords are working best for my website. These are essay, school, student, class etc. I focussed on these keywords and planned my content accoding to these keywords. Mind me the results were rocking. My site started ranking in the first five positions for these keywords. I made long tail keywords having these keywords.

Filtering by Search Volume and Competition

Narrow down your list by filtering keywords based on search volume and competition. Look for keywords with a balance of reasonable search volume and manageable competition.

In my case, essay is the most narrowed keyword for my website. It also has the highest competition among other important keywords like school, student, and class. I am explaining this example only to explain the technique for you so that you can use this technique in your business.

a laptop computer with multiple pictures of a laptop
a laptop computer with multiple pictures of a laptop

Expanding Your List with Synonyms and Related Terms

To increase your keyword arsenal, consider synonyms and related terms. This can help you capture a broader audience while maintaining relevance.

Competitive Analysis: Spy on Rivals

Take a page from your competitors' book. Analyze the keywords they're targeting and assess their success. This information can be invaluable in refining your strategy.

Findings of the above Explanation

In the world of digital marketing, keyword research is an ongoing process. As search engine algorithms evolve and consumer behavior changes, staying ahead of the game is essential. By mastering the art of keyword research and using the right tools, you can ensure that your content remains relevant and discoverable. Remember, the right keywords are the gateway to your audience's attention.


Q1. What is the significance of keywords in digital marketing?

Keywords are essential in digital marketing as they help your content appear in search engine results. They connect your content to your target audience and drive organic traffic to your website.

Q2. What are short-tail keywords?

Short-tail keywords are brief and general keyword phrases, usually one to three words in length. They are highly competitive in search results.

Q3. How can I filter keywords by search volume and competition?

You can filter keywords by using keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. They allow you to sort keywords by search volume and competition levels.

Q4. What is the significance of long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are more specific and have lower search volume but are less competitive. They attract a more targeted audience.